Victory on SB 2030!

It is official! After months of hard work and dedication, SB 2030 has been signed into law! Many of you have worked alongside us to make it a reality and we wanted to thank you for doing so.

This bill appropriates money to a higher education challenge matching grant program with the requirement that the institution cannot sponsor, partner with, or apply for grants with any organizations that promotes abortion.

To clarify, Governor Burgum did veto a section of the bill that would have dealt a penalty to organizations that did not comply. Even without this section, the passage of this bill is a huge win for the pro-life community.

All of the emails, phone calls, testimony, letters and more to our legislators have paid off and we are proud to have had your support.

We would also like to thank Governor Burgum for signing the bill and standing in support of life. If you would like to thank him for signing this legislation, please feel free to click here to learn how.

We could not have accomplished this without your support, so once again- thank you.